SSC- Mid-America Combat Championship June 23, 2007

Pump your upcoming event here...location, cost, how many rounds, classes....etc!

Moderator: hbartel

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Lee Liddle
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Post by Lee Liddle »

Thanks for the info Tim, I`ll pass it on.
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Post by jj »

Rather than Rookie, why not just have an A Main and B Main event?
Maybe even A B and C

For example, at the end of 4 rounds your points put you in the A or B mains for an additional 2 rounds to determine the winners of the A or B mains. Top X pilots against each other and the next batch against each other.

This is done for some racing events and gives everyone a chance to both compete against the full field, and then compete against similarly skilled pilots.
Lee Liddle
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Post by Lee Liddle »

JJ that would tend to skew the NPS scores. I think that just tracking a novice class separately would be good for combat in general though.

Someone who might otherwise not crack the top 50 might be at the top of his novice class.

It works in many other types of competition. I`d like to see us work something like that out.
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Post by Dawg »

I just taped up a new wing this weekend so now I will build a new fuse so I can at least claim the Prettiest Battle Axe prize. And if you watch real close, I do fly like a ROOKIE.
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Post by Hooter »

Now...Dawg...I will have the "Most Handsome" plane at the Mid-America....But Tim and Alex will have the "Prettiest"
if you know what I mean!!!!!

But you guy's know I try to be "P.C"...I only say P.C because
I can't figure out how to spell "Politically Correct", but that's another story!! There will be another plane unveiling at the
Mid-America...I think it will be carrying the "Gay Pride" flag!

You know I have alway's stood by the stand "To each his Own"..
but when you see the pilot you will understand!!!![:D][:D][:D]
Bob Leone
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Post by Bob Leone »

I think the prettiest,is the one with the most streamers on the wings at the end of the round.
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Post by Hooter »

Now Bob you know all pilot's like to make a "Statement" with their planes....Tim with the "Pink" planes....Lee with the Yellow and the strange black designs on his wings.....and the Dawg with what he calls Georgia Orange...look's like Red to me!!!

Sorry Bob...all I remember about you is the "Hosing Deal"[:D]
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Post by Uh-Oh »

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Hooter</i>
<br />There will be another plane unveiling at the
Mid-America...I think it will be carrying the "Gay Pride" flag!<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Yep! The "Gay Pride" BattleAxe will be there to get some new stripes! As in streamers! I think it was either Hooter or me that gave it it's nickname when another club member was trying his hand at the combat thing. In the interest of being P.C., like Hooter, I've re-christened it: "The Spirit of <font color="red">S</font id="red"><font color="green">a</font id="green"><font color="purple">n</font id="purple"> <font color="blue">F</font id="blue"><font color="teal">r</font id="teal"><font color="navy">a</font id="navy"><font color="maroon">n</font id="maroon"><font color="red">c</font id="red"><font color="green">i</font id="green"><font color="purple">s</font id="purple"><font color="maroon">c</font id="maroon"><font color="teal">o</font id="teal">". It fly's wonderfully and already has a couple of streamers to it's credit. It also has enabled me to get the award for Combat Ace at our club's fly in a couple of weeks ago. I did notice that my local combat buddies were <i>way</i> too ashamed of their failure to win that coveted award to post that little fact here (Alex has pictures.).... I'm just going to leave the Spirit alone and fly the snot out of it![:D] Rainbow wing and all.... [:D][:D]

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Hooter</i>
<br />You know I have alway's stood by the stand "To each his Own"..
but when you see the pilot you will understand!!!![:D][:D][:D]
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Just what are you trying to say??? Hmmmm? [:0]

Well It's just a few weeks away and <i>this</i> rookie is ready to swipe some streamers! [}:)]
Any more rookies going to show up? We'll get some team action going against the "non rookies"!
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Post by Fred420 »

Alex, Lynn and I are coming down and are going to camp there. Is power still available at the storage building? We will be down on Friday night around 5.

The B's flew great at RCCD, just wish I could be as good as they build and fly.

Tim Treneff
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Post by Tim Treneff »

Dave, the site is the same as last year. However since our rainfall is currently 12 inches below normal, we have not been able to breed any champion skeeters or bull frogs. There is a family of wild turkeys in the high grass that that apparently like to watch combat since they never fly away!
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Post by mad »

Now that June is here, <font size="4"><font color="red">Let the smack begin</font id="red"></font id="size4"> We have 22 adrenaline junkies signed up so far. 3 Fl boys will be jumping on the bandwagon very soon. that makes 25.
When I last talked to the Evil Dr. he was still trying to make it.
To bad he can't find anyone confident enough in their abilities to venture south of the Mason Dixon Line.
Can't really blame them though. The Tn contingent is strong enough on its own, however we have The Tx boys covering our left flank, The D's of Death from Ga covering our right flank. and the Three Fl boys ready to smack down anything that gets through.

Gonna be lots of streamers JONNY REB. Come get some!!!!!!
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Post by Uh-Oh »

Mike, I think the Bees on Meth and those guys with only one star on their flag aren't going to be so helpful to us Vol's when the ribbons hit the wind. I think they're going to abandon any fellow southerner ties and it'll be dog munchin' on dog time!

We might get a little help from the guys that live on that overgrown sand bar they call Florida but, I don't think so.... But I'm glad they'll be coming up.

And all of them Yankee's coming down here! I hope they bring a little cool temperature with 'em.

And who is this Evil Dr., and does he have a clone?

Nomex underwear on, smack away! [:D]
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Post by mad »

Don't you remember this is going to be old school combat. Like the old days.
Many times have the fine southern gentlemen of TX, Fl, and Ga stood side by side with the great pilots of Tn. First we totally defeat and demoralize the invading Yankee hoards and then like the true southern gentlemen we are, We just divide the spoils of combat amongst ourselves.

As for Dr. Evil, Just look at the current national point standings.
First in SSC, First in limited B, Second in 2548, Oh ya I think he showed the Russians a thing or two about combat.

Don't get nervous now[:D][:D][:D][:D]
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Post by Uh-Oh »


Old school? I don't know about those olden days... Remember, I'm one of the rookie class! I wasn't around in the olden days... Well, I <i>was</i> round then but, I've been round all my life! Very round! I just think that our brothers will throw all of their southern ties out the window when the "stuff" hits the oscillating breeze maker. I do agree though, that in a perfect world, we should stick together and repel the Blue Bellies first, then discuss the matter ourselves, like proper gentlemen. I just don't think it's going to happen. We shall see....

Ahhh.... Now I know who Dr. Evil is.... Another darned Yankee!
I hope he brings a few planes decorated with those Packer "G"s that our Goergian brothers like. Great showing in Russia though! The pictures in the Debrief forum did show me one thing.... The Great Barracuda would feel right at home there... Topless!

Nervous? Man, I'm too ignorant to be nervous.... Alfred E. Neuman said it best... "What, me worry?" My goals have been the same since the start... I want to finish in the top half of the bottom third of the score sheet, at least one spot above Hooter! Should the Hooter rise in the rankings (Which is likely), I will have to rise too! No sweat...

After all, I'm the one with the "Combat Ace" award at our field... [:D]
Captain America
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Post by Captain America »

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Hooter</i>
<br />Now Bob you know all pilot's like to make a "Statement" with their planes....Lee with the Yellow and the strange black designs on his wings"[:D]
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Im pretty sure Lee is buying his battery covers at the adult book store... Thats all I'm going to say about that...
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