Texoma 2014 schedule

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Blue Note
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by Blue Note »

Rather than hijack the topic here, I will just provide a link to the approach we're trying here in Tennessee with the e1000 combat class. http://rccombat.net/forum/viewtopic.php ... 32#p131632 My thoughts and experiences are better kept separate, other than stating that ( for me ) the ineffectiveness of the current rules with a narrow focus on equipment limitations for so many "similar, yet different" classes has made me all but quit combat. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE ribbon combat and think there is nothing more fun and exciting in RC, but the requirements of needing so many planes, different engines ( even if just the sheer number required ), and all the extra gear just becomes overwhelming. I'm pretty proficient at building planes fairly quickly, but I can only imagine how overwhelming of a task it is for a total beginner. That being said, when I started with RC combat it quickly became obvious that I would possibly be taking up to 20 planes to the NATS ( a single contest ) if I wanted to be SURE I could compete in all the differences classes while I was there help justify the expense of the trip...and that was before the darn GNAT class popped up...the straw that broke this camel's back. It's just too much. So, I downsized to the little electrics and have had more rounds and more fun than ever. Building is quick and cheap and they seem to last forever since they are so light...which is how I have snagged some of the new blood that refuse to go nitro for any reason. The initial building and repair time requirements seem to be the killer for most that I have engaged with. Anyways, I'm sure I'll still play by the rules when I decide to attend RCCA events, but I think we need to think outside of the box a bit and realize that what we've been doing has not really been working out too well as far as participation matters are concerned.
Chris Gunter
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by Team_Oz »

Thanks Chris- wish this place had a like button...

It seems like we are losing members faster than gaining them... The quicker we can make it to build, the cheaper we keep the costs, and the more we do to minimize damage the more appealing this could possibly be. Our roots are in spads, and that was what they were all about.

I also think we have become way to rule focused, this started out as a bunch of people just having fun. I would like to think the only rules that are important are the ones directly involving safety. All of these rules around weights, rpm's, etc might be choking the fun out it for the beginner.
Really did you think I would go there.
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by Blue Note »

Team_Oz wrote:
It seems like we are losing members faster than gaining them... The quicker we can make it to build, the cheaper we keep the costs, and the more we do to minimize damage the more appealing this could possibly be. Our roots are in spads, and that was what they were all about.

I also think we have become way to rule focused, this started out as a bunch of people just having fun. I would like to think the only rules that are important are the ones directly involving safety. All of these rules around weights, rpm's, etc might be choking the fun out it for the beginner.
That has also been my experience and observation as well, which is why our local group is trying out the alternative approach concerning the rules and scoring that I linked to in my last post. Of course, in the beginning there are basically no "rules" other than safety concerns, but the other aspects come into play when we start getting competitive with each other. The whole goal was to make it more realistic, which also in turn minimizes the carnage by penalizing contact and crashing...just as in real life. I have always struggled to battle the "full contact" mentality that so many enthusiastic newbies seem to possess. They have yet to realize the time and financial consequences of traveling that road, where most of us here on the RCCA know all too well. I usually mention where the AMA does not condone intentionally reckless activities and how it may potentially create problems for our AMA sanctioned field. Once they get the idea that that type of behavior might lead to the loss of their flying field or club membership, they seem to back down. I did, however, once encounter a guy that was just dead set on going full contact and always tried to knock everybody's plane out the the sky. Many of us became a bit irritated by it after a while. A fellow member that was unknown to that guy started talking to this guy professing interest in flying combat and was allowed to take the controls of the plane of this "full contact" pilot. He was a good pilot, but he proceeded to "accidentally" dumb thumb the plane directly into the hard pack during the excitement of the round. He proclaimed" Oooh, now that's full contact", handed the controller back to the owner, and made some comment about how full contact combat seemed like it might be a little too rough on equipment as opposed to just cutting ribbons. It was kind of like watching a kid having his puppy taken away to be put down, but the message was loud and clear.
Chris Gunter
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by draftman1 »

this post is getting way off topic but I think there is some good and valid points, so here is my 1 cent worth, LOL

Combat is on a down curve, especially here in Caifornia, here alot of the guys went to other hobbies and have gotten burned out on the heavy load of events and building, including me, I went for my PPL and other life changing events so combat for me has been on the back burner, And as a CD, I am just basicly doing the 2 local events we have here every year
Another thing that I see is the classes, geez, how many are there now?? SSC, open B, limited B, 2610, 2948, GNAT and any of the numeres E power ones that have been proposed, IMHO, thats just too many!! We were lucky in the hay-day of Cali to support just 2 classes. thats just alot of work to try to do even half of them, I do agree though that there has to be an easy class for beginners, whether its E-power or glow, just pick one, a scale class, just pick one, SCC, Limited, open, lets see what we can do there,
Maybe combine SSC or limited into a scale class, we did the semi scale SSC here and it was alot of fun, we made the planes fit the rules, basicly on the wing area. The scale class is basicly the same as limited, as far as performance, combine those two.
For an SSC class, nobody wants to do e power because the glow engines will unload in the air and the electric motors wont, there ends up being roughly a 1000 rpm difference in the end. give the e power 1000 more RPMS befor launch, that will help promote the e power
Andy Erwin
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by Bruce B »

Hey guys, the weatherman says very cold and maybe windy for the 7th. We will watch it and make a call midweek. In case nobody is still reading this, I'll call everyone locally and let you know if we are going to change to the 14th.
Bruce Blevins
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by davidturner »

40% chance of Freezing rain on Friday. High on Saturday of 35. Stay tuned!
David Turner
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Re: Texoma 2014 schedule

Post by o1moregil »

Open b
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