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Carberator filter

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:49 pm
by boiler
Getting tired of cleaning the dirt and sand out of my engines after dirt-naps gave me an idea for a carberator filter. I've tried those rubber things that have the sponge for a filter and they restrict air flow some and always pop off at bad times. I got a yard of nylon chiffon from Wal Mart and some "O" rings from Lowes. Put a small piece of the chiffon over the carb and force the "O" ring over the chiffon. Trim off excess with a pair of sissors. I demo'ed a full throttle dirt nap at Loganville into a freshly plowed sandy soil. Buried the plane deeper than the engine with the carb wide open. Took it over to a bench and rapped it to get most of the sand/soil off. Slid the filter off the carb to reveal a nice clean carb!!!!!! I find a #31 "O" ring works well on .061 and .15 engines and a #8 works well on a fx 25.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:00 pm
by RH
Nice [:)]

Hey did you get all those fruit trees and bushes planted after the LSNs?


Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:32 pm
by boiler
Yep. I also cut another tree down and planted 4 5ft trees.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:47 pm
by o1moregil
thanks for the tip Bob

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:15 am
by Smokin Joe
I've always used my wife's old nylon stockings for filters on the venturi. We have a lot of sandy fields here in Perth.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:27 am
by Which_way_is_up
Joe, good day! Good to hear from you, long time no see. Hope all is going well "down under". [:D]

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:40 am
by Smokin Joe
Combat has been in a bit of a lull here in Perth for the last 18 months. We had a major fall out between some of the key players that has disrupted proceedings. We did have 10 entries for our annual championship in June. We will have 6 entries at our bi-monthly comp this coming Sa* * * *ay. I'm expecting things to improve next year. Time heals all - I hope.

We were getting burnt out too - along with some of us getting very serious about pylon racing. We were really struggling keeping up with a pylon and combat competition every month. This year, we have concentrated on the pylon with combat very much on the backburner.

We will run combat comps every second month next year that I think will be well supported. We have SSC worked out now with models that fly very well and very little midair damage. If I can pursuade everyone to switch from the 8x3 MAS props to floppy 8x4 nylon Kavan props, we should just about eliminate the damage all together.

I've had a few guys in our club interested in combat but have not had the time to cut wings for them to get them started. I still have half a box of baseball bats that Mike Fredericks sent me three years ago. I've got a design similar to Mike's Mini Choker with a very short fuselage and a pylon style airfoil that goes gangbusters. If I can find some time in the New Year, we could really give combat a kick along in our club and in the Perth area in general.