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Resurrected Me-110

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:12 pm
by Ed Kettler
When last spotted at the Lone Star Nationals in 2007, our subject had been rammed by the notorious twin hater Colonel Cash 'Crash Target' Hargett, tearing off the left leading edge outboard of the engine, causing a death spiral caught by Roy Appleton in the following video ... st13481259

Cash had cut the tail off of Lee's P-39 earlier in the heat, so he was on a roll. At least he kept his plane out of the shipping container that day [:D][}:)]

The wing was pretty well toast, but the fuselage only sustained minor damage so it ended up stuffed in a box nose first, its tails forlornly beckoning from time to time while I labored over some other project. The engines went into the P-70 which I campaigned until I turned it over to Cash, who crashed it at LSN this year. I don't know what it is about Cash and twins, but he did a high speed pass with the first generation Me-110 and pulled out an inch too low, he broadsided my Beaufighter with his Buffalo in 3696 (blames me, of course [;)]), screws the P-70 into the ground ... he just can't stand twins!

The test bed electric P-70 flew well, but a failure of the right ESC at low altitude ended its flying days ... 50% power differential at 10 feet is not a good thing! The motors and ESC went to Scott and flew successfully in his test bed Me-110 that saw a variety of motors/batteries/gear boxes/props since 2004, and when I flew it last week I knew it was time to resurrect the ME-110 and return her to flying status.

Most of the work was building a new wing and installing the power system, then hollowing out the area under the canopy to accomodate the 4S 5000mah battery pack.


I called Cash to see if he wanted to come out and watch the maiden, but he wasn't feeling good and had to babysit (and watch the Cowboy game), and I wanted to surprise him, so I didn't reveal the subject. Scott Stockwell did preflight checks and launch duties, and she took off and was well behaved after a few trim adjustments. We did four flights, one mixed mode to get trims and flight characteristics sorted out, then three flights in combat mode to see what the battery draw was. I didn't notice a huge drop in performance even in the last minute. I will baseline the amp draw to see if we can go to smaller batteries and reduce the 4-13 gross weight some.

Overall, very happy. Will only have very minor ATV adjsutments with the Turnigy 3536 1400kv motors to get back to 18500 (18700 fresh)

You missed a fun time Cash ... and NO, you can't fly her any lower than 3 mistakes high[:D][:D][:D][:D]


PS: The original thread on the 1st generation Me-110 is here.

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:22 pm
by Ed Kettler
Some power numbers from the four runs
1. 2989 mah - re-maiden flight. mixed throttle, mostly full to half speed

2. Full combat 6:30 - full power climb, half throttle loiter, 5 minutes full throttle - 3437 mah

3. Same profile - 3444 mah

4. Same profile - 3667

Will try late launches, 30 seconds to go, and mix the throttle a bit. Trying to find a profile that gets to around 3000 to see if we can use lighter batteries.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:53 am
by Lee Liddle
Looks good Ed. Are you wanting to go with a 4s 4000, or something even smaller?

A 4s 5000 only weighs about 18oz, that`s pretty good for 2548 battery weight.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:02 am
by Ed Kettler
The prior version with the two OS .15LAs weighed ~3-13 and had to have a Higley heavy hub added to make weight, so I'd like to get a version done that is about 4-6 ounces lighter (under 4.5 pounds) just to be a bit more competitive [:D].

I can probably shave some of the weight off the airframe by going to balsa tails, lightening holes in the wood engine mounts and some other measures, but lightening the battery is the single biggest target. Not that I am complaining about the current performance ... I just want more!

That being said, getting this baby preflighted and ready to go is much, much, much easier than the glow version. I think we have a workable twin 2548 electric configuration now, just need to tune the airframe a bit.