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Clubs first SSC event

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:01 pm
by Mike Edwards
I belong to a club in the Cincinnati area that is trying SSC. We have challenged neighboring clubs to participate in the first contests. If all goes well, we hope to become a stop on the competition trail. I am going to be the CD and looking for any advice or checklist in preparing for the event. Also trying to locate a souce for the cd of commands that can be played during an event. Thanks in advance - Mike Edwards

Re: Clubs first SSC event

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:17 pm
by boiler
I'll see what I can come up with. The NPS button at the top of the homepage has some information about submitting scores. We do have a Contest Director package somewhere and we have a timing CD somewhere on the forum as well. Can't find them at the moment. Just spend 2 days driving back from West Palm meet. Maybe Don Grissom or Roy Appleton know where the other files are.

Re: Clubs first SSC event

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:25 pm
by boiler
Just got back from a snowy meet in WI. I am making a copy of my timing CD and will mail it to you tomorrow.
0. Have your AMA sanction and all papers that need to be completed at registration. Necessary for insurance coverage and NPS.
1.Print score sheets for the event the night before so they are filled out as complete as possible. Need extra pens. Have the contestants finish filling them out if necessary. You should have extra blank score sheets and a copy of the rules for the event. (found on the homepage) Rules have the field lay out requirements.
2. You should have a back-up timing device. ( a couple of digital kitchen timers from Walmart and a good whistle or megaphone) If something can go wrong, be prepared.
3. You need materials to lay out the field and measure streamers. A 30 ft tape is great but you can fabricate other items. A bundle of marking flags (wires with small colored plastic flags on them) to show the lines. Marking paint can be used in addition but isn't necessary.
4. You need some clip boards and extra hard hats for judges.
5. Have pilots launch in front of the pilot's line, near the safety line so a bad launch isn't next to or behind a pilot. If the plane crosses the pilot's line the score is -400 because it SHOULD have crossed the safety line before crossing the pilot's line.
6. Have an adequate supply of streamers and string. (#10 or higher cotton crochet thread from Walmart fabric department). Keep them out of the wet and in a breathable container if in the sun. Moisture in them will come out an make water in the sun which will then destroy crepe. Have alternative wet weather streamers in case of a wet field or light rain. Wood fiber forestry tape works well. No need to roll it ahead of time but it helps if you take a utility knife and slice half way through it from the center of the roll to one side. You can use website to find streamer material and a link to find forestry tape.
7. Get as many club volunteers as possible. It's a lot more fun if you have plenty of help. You can have a streamer rolling party before the meet or buy pre-rolled streamers from David Smithgall.

What did I forget fellas????

8. A laptop and assistant is nice. You can download the matrix maker program and have the pilots put into an Excel spreadsheet for adding and arranging. Other wise learn how to mix up the pilots and eliminate frequency conflicts. Have a calculator handy. Good luck. :D

What else did I forget???????????

Re: Clubs first SSC event

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:41 pm
by gsjames
RC Combat CD Checklist

AMA Sanction Forms
Clipboards w rubber bands
Computer with Matrix Maker 2 software & MSExcel
Printer with paper/cardstock
Tape Measure
Digital Scale
Markers / Sharpies (for tech inspection)
Flags to mark off lines
Streamers & wet weather streamers
String for Streamers
CD Player w patch cords / PA system / microphone
Extra batteries for CD player
Start Combat CD
Calculator to add up scores
Scissors or Paper Cutter to cut heat cards
Power strip
Extension cords
Extra Hard Hats ?
Score Sheets for each contestant / event (mark event on form)
Copy of the rules in a binder
Cash Box for entry fees (with change)
RCCA information
Weather report
Smart phone w/AMA membership verification

1. Spend time getting your own stuff ready to go
2. Stage everything so it can be loaded easily and nothing left behind
3. Do a checklist for the pilot briefing
4. Fly safe and have fun

Re: Clubs first SSC event

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:56 pm
by Mike Edwards
Thanks for the info so far. Everything is appreciated.

Mike Edwards