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AMA rules committee

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:42 pm
by wayno
Are all people on the AMA committee responsible for rules changes, eliminating classes and so on that deal with RC combat currently participating in combat meets. If not, maybe they should consider letting active participants hold these positions as they are more in tune with current issues dealing with RC combat.
Wayne Mayo RCCA 880

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:03 am
by Yankee Samurai
Well said Wayne!

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:51 pm
by Blue Note
I agree that being intimately familiar with the process of flying, scoring, safety considerations, and contest arrangement requirements for combat should be fundamental knowledge for anybody in a position to influence rule changes, but I'm not sure if "participation" necessarily implies the characteristics that are best for such decisions. By this I mean you have to consider those individuals that are comfortable with the status quo of how combat is currently conducted, either because it is what they already know and understand, "it's the way we've always done it"...or simply that their stockpile of equipment biases their opinion for more personal or financial reasons. Furthermore, lack of participation may be a manifestation of dissatisfaction with the progression of the classes and rules, not necessarily lack of understanding, involvement, or awareness. I believe consideration of any changes, be it the addition or removal of classes, scoring, rule changes, etc., should be fundamentally conceptualized for the up and coming generation of combat pilots and the changing dynamic of RC flying in general. Rules committee members should not be hindered by strict focus or tunnel vision concerning combat alone, but need to be looking at the hobby of RC flying on a whole. We've got to get inside the head of the newbies. They are enthusiastic, competitive, and will be around much longer than many of us. They are our many respects.

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:15 am
by Lou Melancon
To all,
The following members have recently resigned from the AMA RC Combat Rules Committee: Georgia Hartman, Mike Fredricks, Rick Fraley, Andy Panoncillo, and Lou Melancon. Bob Wallace one of the earliest RCCA members, and long time AMA Rules Committee member, passed away several weeks ago.

A new Rules Committee Chairman and Rules committee members are needed for AMA Districts I, II, V, and VII. If you are interested in the role please let your AMA District Vice President know and also let the AMA's Tony Stillman know.

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:32 am
by boiler
Tony has been in commucation with me since the NATS. We should have replacements for inactive positions. We still don't have anyone for district 1 or 2.

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:32 pm
by Dane McGee
I was just appointed to the AMA rules comittee. I am definitely an active combat flyer.

So that means at least 7 of how ever many positions will be new board apointees.

I'd say that is a radical turn over. You got your wish Wayne :wink:

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:59 am
by Yankee Samurai
Dane, congrats!

Re: AMA rules committee

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:17 pm
by wayno
New blood is good blood! I fly 2610 and open b. I definitely agree that we need to get the the newbie crowd involved as we all will eventually age out or get involved with another time consuming hobby. It seems that participation and interest in hobbies grows quickly at first, accelerates as we become better at whatever we are doing and then becomes kind of ho hum and then interest seems to wane. It is up to the core group to give the new guy the itch. We recently had our new AMA guy out to one of our contests. Jerry Haines has pretty much got all of us using flying wings that are easy to build, are easy to fly and very hot ships when set up correctly. He set our rep up with a couple of planes for the contest and by the end of the day he was sold and heading back to his club to hook some more chaps. It really can be that easy and I am sure that all of us have a plane or two to loan to a pilot who has become proficient at flying but never experienced the thrill of the close quarter all out fur ball. I believe these are the guys that will save and enhance our sport and are readily available almost any weekend at their local club. Then they could move into the scale classes if nothing else but to be able to get more rounds in. I looked at the active pilots list in the 3 most flown classes and found that the peeps who make the rules were absent. It is time for active pilots to make the next step and become involved in the process. Good job Dane!
Wayne Mayo RCCA 880